Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today was very eventful. Foremost, it was my bittersweet last full day with Room 5. My fabulous, thoughtful mentor and the kids threw me a popsicle picnic party! It was so sweet and fun...we sat on the grassy park and tried to turn our tongues different colors (as documented in the pictures). In the morning the class went to Trapeze Arts, an 'elective' kind of like music. This class was so much fun to watch because the teacher is a real trapeze artist! The kids stretched and then lined up and the teacher lifted them into the air with his hands and feet. The kids also did somersaults and tricks and poses on a trapeze swing. This was such a unique class and it was so entertaining to watch! (Looking for SIG ideas, teachers?:) ) We also did some finishing touches to the map project! If you want to look at the whole thing, click the project tab. In the afternoon some of the kids went into the art room and used eyedroppers to mix food coloring into water. They called themselves 'mad scientists' and traded information about what mixes produced different colors. This is a perfect example of science integrated into art that I was talking about before!

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